Starring: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, Julie Andrews, John Cleese, Rupert Everett, Eric Idle, Justin Timberlake, Larry King, John Krasinski
Running Time: 1h 32min
i'm one of the few people who disliked Shrek 2 for its rehash of old jokes, minus the creativity and scope of the first film. In retrospect, i don't think i gave that film enough credit, as it does have some funny moments and some good use of new characters. Still, it really lacked the magic of the first film, as the originality of a fairy tale send up gave way for a Meet the Parents/My Fair Lady premise.
Shrek the Third confirms my feeling that this franchise has run out of steam. Revisiting major plot points once again, while borrowing from buddy road movies and high school flicks, the third installment offers little, if anything original, continuing to tarnish the novelty of the first Shrek. Myers and company seem content to rest on their laurels, spouting their lines with little spark or ad libs. You can almost sense Eddie Murphy's shame as he belts out another tune as Donkey.
The introduction of babies usually means a series has run out of fresh ideas, and the Shrek franchise is a perfect example of formulaic plot lines playing themselves out. There's the unwilling hero, afraid of his power and destiny. The hero's journey and development as he embarks on a quest. It's sad to see a series that so wryly turned these conventions on their head, succumb to the same conventions without a crumb of wit or satire the third time around.
The animation is still top notch, but without the humour or excitement of a storyline worth visiting (or revisiting, for that matter), Shrek the Third spins its wheels and ends up in a swampy mess. What once was a film for all ages has turned into a film for ages 6 to 10, only they won't get the references, while the adults won't get any laughs. Save your money for all the spin off merchandise, which is getting to be more original than the films themselves.
Grade: C+
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