

Clerk; Film by film retrospective paints the picture of a self-made man with plenty of people weighing in, mostly favourable industry friends. Clips and backstory aplenty reminds us how Smith became the talker he is today and why we embraced him in the first place. Solid doc; A-


Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania; Wild, otherworldly visuals and a stellar cast attempt to overcome the MCU trappings of never ending, never starting, everlasting storyline. Fun, silly spectacle suffers from comic book conveniences & delayed back story yet still entertains; B+



The Sapphires

The Sapphires; Sweet indie film w/fun cast who possess great voices & comedic timing. O’Dowd leads emotional balance between laughs, romance & realities of war while themes of Australia’s history of racism are introduced & glazed over. Hard to not tap your toes to Motown soul; B+


Shotgun Wedding

Shotgun Wedding; A fun cast slumming it in the sun and trying desperately to make a screwball comedy sandwiched with 80s style action that ends up missing more than it hits and lacks any sense of sophistication or nuance. Some good moments too often slammed up against cringe; C