Starring: Chris Pine,Zachary Quinto,Leonard Nimoy, Eric Bana, Bruce Greenwood, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Anton Yelchin, Winona Ryder
Running Time: 2h 07min
I have to admit. I am a Star Trek virgin (insert your own punchline here). I have never, i repeat, never seen a Star Trek movie, let alone a Star Trek television episode. Not a one. Any of the generations (though i must admit i did stop to watch a few segments of The Next Generation but never lasted through two commercial breaks). This hasn't prevented me from learning a large amount of Star Trek lore and parody from your average immersion in popular culture, so i wasn't going into this film completely blind, just virginal.
Which is to say, i am part of the target audience that J.J. Abrams' reboot is designed for. He has crafted a Star Trek for fans, and non-fans alike, a starting point for the two to launch off through space. And what a take off it is! Inspired casting fuels the film, while clever dialogue and crafty action sequences propel it along at a fun and frolicky pace.
There's plenty of nod, nod, wink, winks (probably more than i noticed, not being a knowledgeable Trekkie) but also a feeling of freshness and excitement. It really truly feels like something so old and established has been dusted off and given a new coat of paint, so that you barely remember the original that existed. I say this in a good way. The complete opposite of George Lucas' disastrous attempt to make Star Wars new, Abrams gives the new Trek a style and flavour that seems completely current, while fashioning a story and tone that feels true to the original science fiction franchise and its subsequent incarnations. I look forward to further installments and I may just learn the Vulcan hand signs in due time.
Grade: B+
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