Running Time: 1h 57min
A stunning visual epic, each frame could be frozen and passed off for a Renaissance original. Strategically told, with minimal dialogue and maximum style, the machismo is palpable and terrifyingly enjoyable. Definitely a film that could be watched solely as a series of still photographs, the art direction is that incredible. Reminiscent of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, in its stripped down set design and otherworldly backdrop, this is a remarkable feast of eye candy. Full review to come.
Must see at the IMAX to fully appreciate it.
i was trying to take that into consideration. i realize my time spent at the drive-in really undermines the sight/sound experience of the movies.
However, in the core of my movie watching soul, i'm all about excellent story crafting, wicked dialogue, and well rounded character development. So if i'm impressed at the drive-in, it should have all that. If i'm unimpressed, then the movie is all smoke and mirrors. (Or eye candy, that isn't very filling).
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