Starring: Bruce Greenwood, Bill Nunn, Josh Hutcherson, Mayte Garcia
Running Time: 1h 51min
With a title like Firehouse Dog, one expects an Air Bud style film, complete with a dog who rides the fire truck, holds a hose, climbs ladders, and pees out fires. Thankfully, this film is NOT one of those, though there are some scenes in which the titular dog does engage in traditional fireman (fire person) work fare (which isn't to say that a film with all that excitement isn't a bad idea, wink, wink).
The movie starts out promising enough, with a wild stunt involving the dog, who eventually is revealed to be a pampered movie star with some handlers who are quite attached, with questionable but honest motives for being the dog's entourage. Once dog and handlers are separated, the dog ends up in the hands of a boy whose single dad is head of a firehouse in need of a mascot.
By now, i know you're saying, can this movie get any hokier? To which i respond, no. But it can have a real heart to it. And even though most of the performances are worthy of an after school special, especially the precocious child actor, whose presence begs for a few more open auditions, this film rises above the content to provide a family friendly dose of entertainment, filled with father-son bonding, small town camaraderie, and cute teen romance.
As much as i wanted to make fun of this film, and hate it for pandering to a young audience, i'll leave that for some other cynical cyber reviewer. Instead, i'd rather enjoy it for what it is, a surprisingly enjoyable, cute and warm family film that middle America can enjoy for years to come. Here's to the sequel, Canine Patrol!
Grade: B-
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