Starring: Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl, Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann
Running Time: 2h 09min
Comedies written solely for adults are so few and far between, that when they do emerge, people are quick to praise it. When i say, comedies for adults, i mean a film that only those who have endured some of the trials and tribulations of adult relationships will find it relevant and funny. On this measure, i give Mr. Apatow and his cast a resounding applause.
However, dropping the F-bomb with reckless abandon does not a funny film make. Yet for some reason, Knocked Up thinks that a line delivered with a curse word is infinitely funnier than anything. Yet when one thinks about Woody Allen or Will Ferrell or Bill Cosby or Jerry Seinfeld or Monty Python, what can be said in front of the kids can be all the funnier for adults when we're getting away with the double entendre.
Knocked Up explores some familiar grown up territory, and deserves many of the laughs it gets. Rogan's brutally honesty lead makes for both excellent comedic fodder and audience sympathy. Rudd's character's secrets, on the other hand, endear us to his wicked ways, making us cringe while laughing and empathizing with his plight. Both men speak of their relationships in a refreshing manner, portraying modern day dating/marriage as the love/hate conundrum it can very well be.
Unfortunately, what occurs opposite this, are two female characters that seem to possess little self worth, existing solely for the temptation or torment of the male leads. Knocked Up wants to have it all; honest relationship drama alongside stereotypical and "only in the movies" scenarios. It plays both sides, well at times, painfully at others. In the end, it is overwrought and too easily wrapped up, but in between it provides some refreshingly new takes on adult life, in a way that too few films do. More plentiful than painful, Knocked Up is truly the replicated mixed blessing of a one night stand.
Grade: B
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