

Directed by:  Joel Schumacher
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Catherine Keener, Joaquin Phoenix
Running Time: 2h 00min

Disturbing and not forgiving, this film looks at the seedy underworld of sick porn.  It's truly amazing how the lead and director slowly delve into this world and soon find themselves trapped, struggling hard to claw their way back to the surface.

The direction follows Cage well on his downward spiral, and the excitement is in not knowing just how far he'll sink, and if he'll ever come back.  Written by the same guy who wrote "Seven", we never know what to expect.

Unfortunately, I expected more, as the film seems to walk a fairly straightforward path towards its conclusion.  Phoenix is great in what could have been a thankless role.  Great to watch for its untouched subject matter and the performance of Cage.

Grade: B-

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