
Father's Day

Directed by:  Ivan Reitman
Starring:  Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, Julia-Louis-Dreyfus, Natassja Kinski
Running Time:  1h 39min

Crystal is funny as always, completely hilarious.  Williams gives one of him more annoying performances.  He's either really good or excruciatingly bothersome.  The idea behind this film was that it would pair up two great friends who also happen to be two of the funniest people in showbiz.  Unfortunately, they try to do a greatest hits package, using old routines in a tired formula.  This movie could have had so much more fun than mime jokes and Williams in a room full of props.  Williams' character was so inconsistent it really distracted from the fine turns by Crystal and Louis-Dreyfus.  Had they kept this film mature and witty instead of Disneydumb the reward would have been tremendous.  Instead, it is a disappointment, yet still funny.

Grade: C+

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