
As Good As It Gets

Directed by:  James L. Brooks
Starring:  Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear, Cuba Gooding Jr.
Running Time:  2h 18min

All the actors sink into their roles, really doing more with them than what they're given.  Kinnear especially shows his worth as a supporting actor who not only holds his own with the best in the biz (Ford, and now Nicholson) but sometimes upstaging them as is the case here.  Nicholson is great as the obsessive-compulsive writer and actually pulls off the sexiness needed to make Hunt's interest in him truly believable.  But the thing he doesn't do is satisfyingly pull off the transition from evil to good.  It shouldn't be so black and white, but the inbetweens aren't really there.  Which is a shame because the film is too long.  Scenes don't end when they should and start a little too early.  The changes of setting does little to alter that.  Blame Brooks.

Grade: B-

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