
The Empire Strikes Back: Special Edition

Directed by:  Irvin Kershner
Starring:  Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams
Running Time:  2h 07min

This has always been my favourite installment of the Star Wars trilogy.  The amazing locales and new characters that are introduced are one of a kind.  Yoda, the series' best character gets the most screen time in this one, as well as Boba Fett.  (Fett doesn't really do all that much.  I think I made his figurine do a hell of a lot more!)  The planet Hoth, the cloud city of Bespin, and the swamp Degobah give the characters refreshing situations, as well as a new friend, Lando Carissean.  I think I love this one the most because I could do the most with the toys that were produced from it.  The dark ending is a first, where the good guys don't really win, they just survive.  No need to re-do this one, its basic elements are all that's needed.

Grade: A

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