

Directed by:  George Arpino, Laura Dean, Charles Moulton, Margo Sappington, Peter Pucci
Starring:  The Joffrey Ballet
Running Time:  1h 20min

The film version of the Joffrey Ballet production entitled "Billboards" is captivating.  What the ballet loses in video translation the director makes up for with close-ups and inserts, dissolves and superimposing.  The effect is a ballet unlike any put on before, in a way you've never seen before.  Set to the music of Prince, the ballet balances between traditional steps and modern dance.  The costumes are extravagant and suit each choreographer's piece well.  The interpretations of the music are beautiful in the bodies of the graceful, elegant, yet so strong and powerful ballet troupe.  This video presentation is great to see the composure maintained on their faces, as well as the shots from stage left and right.  Only being there live would be greater.

Grade: B+

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