
Battleship Potemkin

Directed by:  Sergei Eisenstein
Starring:  Alexander Antonov, Vladimir Barsky
Running Time:  1h 05min

There is no denying the importance of this film.  That is for certain.  But another thing is that it is interesting, even for today's audiences.  I was totally invested from the start, and this can be attributed to the fantastic cutting.  It's hard to believe how much of a breakthrough this must have been.  The mutiny build-up is fantastic, as is the Odessa Steps sequence of course.  There is a little lull inbetween the steps sequence and the tension when the battleship encounters another fleet of ships.  But this is only because of how exhilarating the step sequence is.  The fact that this film has no real star or center character, yet still manages to make you care, keep you interested, shows how effective the editing was and how much it gives to our cinematic experience today.

Grade: B+

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