
Air Force One

Directed by: Wolfgang Peterson
Starring:  Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, William H. Macy
Running Time: 2h 04min

This movie walks a tightrope.  Unfortunately it falls a few times only to get up and fall again.  At first an 'A' movie, it managed to throw everything out the window in the last half hour and plummet to a 'B'.  It was believable, fun, intriguing, and exciting right up until the jail scene.  Then it was just overboard!  Full of cliches, American propagandistic images, and absolutely no surprises.  It really disappointed once it took the movie out of the hands of such great actors as Oldman and Ford to give the action fans their fix.  With horrible supporting roles, especially the first family, no one cares about the outcome.  Close and Macy are wasted in limited roles, but the beauty is watching Oldman and Ford face off, a thespian lover's dream.

Grade: B

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