
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery

Directed by: Jay Roach
Starring:  Mike Myers, Elizabeth Hurley, Mimi Rogers, Michael York, Rob Lowe
Running Time:  1h 29min

Myers is funny as usual and really works well with Hurley.  She actually makes a thankless role truly her own.  It's hard to decide if Myers is funnier as the hero or the villain.  And as usual, it's the mocking of old filmmaking techniques that give this film its best laughs.  From the eight-way split screens to the zooms to the villain to the dance segues.  Though not laugh out loud funny throughout the film, there are some hysterical moments, such as "Who does Number 2 work for!"  I think this is definitely the type of movie that will get funnier upon further viewing.  Viewing of not just the film itself, but old James Bond films and other such spy movies.  Just the unfreezing of Powers gets funnier after watching Dr. No again.

Grade: A-

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