
Destiny Turns on the Radio

Directed by:  Jack Baran
Starring:  Dylan McDermott, Nancy Travis, Quentin Tarantino, James Belushi
Running Time:  1h 42min

Not your usual flick, this movie blends plot elements that are variations on a theme.  From the lovers torn apart to the robbery gone wrong to a mystical entity controlling everyone's fate.  With all these different ideas you'd think that the film would be different or unique in some way.  It isn't.  It isn't a bad movie, it's just that there isn't anything special.  It's just a mediocre film that cashes in on Tarantino's desire to show his mediocre acting ability.  Travis is sexy and could be used more effectively in a better film.  The whole thing is very anti-climatic.  The characters don't really go through any major development and the mystical part seems just that.  It's a mystery as to why it's in the movie at all.

Grade: C-

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