

Directed by:  Charles Russell
Starring:  Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vanessa Williams, James Caan, James Cromwell
Running Time:  1h 54min

Arnold seems to have grown tired with this flick, even though he has a decent leading lady opposite him.  The villain is obvious from the start (opening credits) and the plot has been done before.  In fact, it seemed like I had seen most of these stunts in previous Arnold films.  The Terminator character, the Commando get-up, the True Lies government tie-up.  It was Arnold's greatest hits without the beat!  One interesting thing was the high tech gun that was the focus of the movie.  However, for some reason it seemed that the only time it would really kick ass was when Arnold had it.  Disappointing for Arnold fans, interesting action for action fans.

Grade: C+

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