

Directed by:  Joel Coen
Starring:  Frances McDormand, William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi
Running Time:  1h 38min

A gritty little tale about a kidnapping gone wrong gives us characters and scenery that we aren't used to seeing in Hollywood productions.  The way the Coen brothers use the snow and the cold to add to the frustrations of the villains is pure enjoyment.  Funny lines and accents don't seem unreal, and give a flavour to this movie.  In fact, had there not been the "You betchas" and the sly little A Clockwork Orange reference this movie would just be like any other botched evil plot film.  The whole cast just brings the story to life, making it a distinct film that will certainly be remembered.  Though not best picture material this is a damn good movie, worth multiple viewings.

Grade: A-

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