
Foolish Wives

Directed by:  Erich von Stroheim
Starring:  Erich von Stoheim, Maud George, Mae Busch, Cesare Gravina
Running Time:  1h 47min

What a foolish idea to think that this movie deserved to be made in the silent era.  The conniving and seduction of the count seems ridiculous when he says very little.  This movie is a mish mash of jumbled scenes, very uninteresting throughout.  The conclusion is as plain as day right from the get go.  No one to care about, it doesn't matter who gets screwed and who wins.  It is unfortunate for a melodrama to have a hero and a villain that the audience is impartial to.  Quite a contrast to see the American early film as compared to the amazing, interesting and visually stunning European film of the same time.  One sees the true devastation of the WWs, seeing as we are now subject to U.S. film being the "trendsetter".

Grade:  C-

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