
Big Night

Directed by:  Stanley Tucci and Campbell Scott
Starring:  Stanley Tucci, Minnie Driver, Isabella Rossellini, Tony Shalhoub
Running Time:  1h 47min

This movie is fun to watch, with bits of humour tossed about two brothers from Italy and their failing restaurant.  Minnie Driver has never looked so beautiful, holding her own opposite screen legend Rossellini.  However, it seems like this movie could have been a short film.  The content doesn't warrant feature length, as it's proven throughout the film with what seems like unnecessary scenes or simple scenes dragged on or just overdone.  The most convincing argument for this are the silent, from speech that is, scenes.  These scenes say so much more, especially the last five minutes.  Those last few minutes seem to say so much more than the rest of the film.  The beauty of the food preparation and the silent interaction.  A contrast of countries?

Grade: B

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