
Donnie Brasco

Directed by:  Mike Newell
Starring:  Johnny Depp, Al Pacino, Michael Madsen, Bruno Kirby, Anne Heche
Running Time:  2h 06min

A thespian lover's ideal pairing of one of today's greatest actors and tomorrow's best, as Pacino and Depp form an amazing relationship at the heart of what would be just another mob movie.  Now mob movies are generally interesting and the reason why they usually hold strong to their audience is the combination of a good script, interesting characters, excellent acting, talented direction, and the portrayal of a different set of morals and lifestyles.  This movie has all of that, as well as a constant presence of danger.  Depp plays the role spendidly, really intertwining his character's relationship with Pacino.  At first it seems forced, but as he grows in the movie you see that Depp purposely plays it that way.  There isn't room for all my praise.

Grade: A

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