
The Evil Dead

Directed by:  Sam Raimi
Starring:  Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Betsy Baker, Hal Delrich
Running Time:  1h 25min

As high a grade this film could receive, being in reality a cheesy low budget horror film full of schlock.  In essence though it is delightful fun, very creepy, very funny, very amusing.  Raimi uses some ingenious camera work and brings to life a rather difficult horror villain.  A possessive force that inhabits the body is extremely difficult to visualize and is effectively done.  The inexperienced cast makes the film seem more real, and in effect even scarier.  Cliches do arise but for their blatant exploitation and destruction.  Balancing the humour with the scares is extremely hard to do at this budget level and for that this film is a superb triumph.

Grade: C+

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