
Feeling Minnesota

Directed by:  Steven Baigelman
Starring:  Keanu Reeves, Cameron Diaz, Vincent D'Onofrio, Dan Akroyd, Delroy Lindo
Running Time:  1h 39min

Cameron Diaz does her best Keanu Reeves impression which leaves us with two emotionless, monotone, dull as shit romantic leads.  This film is written in the style of "what do we do now?"  It's as if the writer had an interesting premise which amounted to about five minutes, and kept tacking on another five minutes of stupidity every time the previously braindead five minutes started going nowhere.  D'Onofrio supplies the only laughs in this romantic comedy that isn't romantic or funny.  His one scene with Lindo is the only thing worth watching.  Well, Diaz is beautiful but totally wasted playing dumb with Keanu's typecast dumbness.  I'm proud to say that I didn't pay a cent to see this!

Grade:  D

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