

Directed by:  Ernest Dickerson
Starring:  Damon Wayans, Adam Sandler, James Caan, Kristen Wilson
Running Time: 1h 24min

The third buddy pick, cop team action comedy I watched in a weekend, this film managed to hold its own.  Sandler is funny, yet still hits the dramatic notes, even if it takes numerous shouting incidents.  Caan could be used better but the film is too short to do so.  For some reason they would rather constantly remind us of the relationship between Sandler and Wayans.  It's as if they scripted the movie for people who come in late at the theatre.  It really gets aggravating.  Given a better plot and setting these two could create a laugh riot.  This film succeeds in only showing us what would be a great idea, without following through on it.  Could have been better but it's still not bad.

Grade: C+

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