

Directed by:  Richard Attenborough
Starring:  Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, John Gielgud
Running Time:  3h 07min

A great man makes for a great movie about his life.  This film does justice to telling the tales of Gandhi's own search for the truth and justice.  Kingsley is outstanding in the title role, and his supporting cast aids him in obtaining an atmosphere that is both cinematic and realistic.  India is beautifully shot, especially upon Gandhi's return to his homeland.  The script does a good job of filling up three hours of intriguing bits of Gandhi's life, without throwing in any unnecessary background.  With each step towards India's independence we become further enraptured in Gandhi, and share the ups and downs throughout the film.  The pacing is amazingly fluid for a three hour movie.  This epic is what every historical piece should be like, a total joy.

Grade: A

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