
Dennis Miller: Citizen Arcane

Starring:  Dennis Miller
Running Time:  1h 00min

A live performance where the crowd isn't really into it really hinders Miller's otherwise hilarious quips and allusions.  He doesn't really help the cause either when he starts getting opinionated on all matters of controversy.  This has always been his style but he used to mix comedy well with his opinions but this time, especially early in the act, he just seems like a cranky man.  As for the audience, they seem to be lost on half his jokes, which Miller makes fun of, without them realizing.  Hurt by the crowd, he comes off less funny than normal.  Still, his fire-quick insults and comparisons are hilarious, as is his Jim J. Bullock comments.  Nasty, yet so true, Miller is always entertaining, even if the audience isn't up to the task.

Grade: B-

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