
Fan, The (Pan and Scan version)

Directed by:  Tony Scott
Starring:  Robert De Niro, Wesley Snipes, Ellen Barkin
Running Time:  1h 56min

Two dynamic performances by two great actors spark this movie to its exciting climax.  Barkin plays a sexy and straight journalist, way beyond the role's original depth.  The movie doesn't really offer up any surprises as to what is going to happen; it's the journey through it all that's so exhilarating.  The Pan and Scan version makes many scenes awkward, and having seen it in the theatre, it doesn't take too much away.  A couple reactions lose their feeling but the two leads are still dynamic.  The best thing about this movie is that it avoids the two out, three men on, bottom of the ninth cliche in almost all baseball movies.  The darkness of the film increases with De Niro's descent into madness.  The over usage of Nine Inch Nails is ridiculous!

Grade: A-

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