
Frankenstein (Restored version)

Directed by:  James Whale
Starring:  Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, Boris Karloff, John Boles, Dwight Frye
Running Time:  1h 11min

A classic film in that it totally changed the way Frankenstein was viewed, which is unfortunate.  Whale himself became synonymous with these films, just as Karloff did towards fame.  With much from the book and much left out, it's disappointing how this rendition is viewed historically.  The settings and lighting are great, with obvious influence from Nosferatu and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.  Very similar in the sense that those films' style and film work far outweigh the subject matter.  Which is a shame in this instance because Frankenstein is such a great novel.  Anyhow, the acting here is great, bordering camp and humour with the original horror and drama intentions.  Great close-ups and cutaways, but not quite as frightening as some have deemed.

Grade: B-

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