

Directed by:  Kevin Hooks
Starring:  Laurence Fishburne, Stephen Baldwin, Salma Hayek
Running Time:  1h 38min

Whoever thought that an audience would actually believe the occurrences in this movie or even enjoy them for that matter must have been out on a limb!  The actors are wasted and actually just wasting time in this film.  The talents of Fishburne were on better display on Pee Wee's Playhouse.  As for the Baldwin, this movie ends his winning streak of good movies.  Salma Hayek's beauty and charm also go unrewarded as their characters walk around with either no motivation or improbable cause.  I couldn't believe it when I saw the huge faux pas after Baldwin puts on his jacket to go out!  This movie actually paid the editor!  The only good point was the "Haven't you seen 'What's Love Got to Do with It?'" line.  What a waste!

Grade: D+

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