
Fair Game

Directed by:  Andrew Snipes
Starring:  Cindy Crawford, William Baldwin
Running Time:  1h 30min

An obvious attempt to target the testosterone crowd, this movie does just that.  It delivers action, sex, more action, and Crawford amazingly being soaked in water throughout the entire movie.  We are to believe that it takes place in a span of two days yet she seems to change at least six times.  Her first attempt at acting is a poor one but she holds her own against the rest of the horrible cast, including Baldwin.  Only one good scene and that's the comedy provided by a 7-11 clerk.  When guys want to see action and sex it is usually when they are separated.  They want to see Cindy in bed and the hero kicking ass without her.  This movie has too much Cindy the hero and to see Baldwin as a hero is just as hard.  Where's Arnold when you need him?

Grade: D

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