
Dream with the Fishes

Directed by:  Finn Taylor
Starring:  David Arquette, Brad Hunt, Cathy Moriarty, Kathryn Erbe
Running Time:  1h 37min

A strange film that uses the descriptive tagline that it's about "voyeurism, LSD, and nude bowling".  Well, it certainly delivers what it promises.  And it does so on the grounds that these are some of the things a man on his deathbed would like to do.  It never tells us what he has, but it doesn't matter.  It's the bizarre relationships that enfold from his sickness and the last days, and how in the face of death we decide we want to live.  Arquette's character is truly loopy, with a very emotional core that makes him likable.  The movie is shot very indie style but doesn't dumb down the situations, making them seem actually very possible (and enticing).  The theme of love is dealt with coldly however, but perhaps it's a comment on society.

Grade: B

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