
A Wormhole

From 1995 to mid 1999, before the Internet (okay, the Internet existed, if you call an AOL subscription and dial-up connection "the Internet"--more like, the Intermittenet), Joe James wrote reviews of films he saw in theatres, on VHS (snicker) and The Movie Network.  They were contained on "BOB", Microsoft's bizarre attempt at personalizing the home computer environment in a family friendly way.  Unfortunately, the program wasn't very user friendly, as there was no means to transfer the information out of the program.  No thought of copying, cutting and pasting, or saving to disk (not even floppy disk).  So, for a decade, it was presumed that those reviews were lost in time, or at least to Y2K.


Here are the lost reviews, written under the alias King Lothar (don't ask--a combination of a Saturday Night Live character and BOB's requirement for identification), from a century ago.  They have been unwittingly placed upon this nefarious day, known as Feb. 29th, also known as the Leap Day.  ENJOY!

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