

Directed by:  Jonathan Mostow
Starring:  Kurt Russell, J.T. Walsh, Kathleen Quinlan, M.C. Gainey
Running Time:  1h 33min

Walsh's last role is a minimal one but he definitely acts creepy and questionable.  And that's the problem with the film is that EVERYthing is creepy and questionable.  What starts out as Deliverance: The Sequel quickly becomes the breakdown of Russell.  Along the way he is thrown clues, thrown red herrings, and thrown around. He plays the tole well but there are way too many motives and actions left unaccountable.  And I guess that's the way it would be in real life but it really leaves the viewer unsatisfied.  Still, if you're looking for suspense and action in the B-movie style there's plenty of that here.  Plenty of stunts and scary moments, which eventually mount to a well done B-movie.

Grade: B-

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