
First Kid

Directed by:  David Mickey Evans
Starring:  Sinbad, Brock Pierce, Blake Boyd, Robert Guillaume
Running Time:  1h 40min

Sinbad is funny and this movie is not.  Disney wastes his power by teaming him up with uninspired co-stars, including a horrible child actor who plays the First Kid.  I have to quote EW's review, as I am in total agreement with the fact that the movie is a bunch of predictable scenes.  "Sinbad+roller skates+a huge birthday cake=guess what?"  The use of violence is horrible and Disney can in no way criticize anyone when it comes to glorifying violence to a youth market.  The fights in this movie are totally unnecessary.  They exist in some teenage wonderland where all teenagers are midgets, hang out in the schoolyard, and worry about crushes.  The world was like Jack, only Jack was in Gr. 5.  This view of Gr. 9 must have come from another planet!

Grade: D+

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