
The Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Man; It embarrasses me to see such talent being used to create the visions of a hack writer like John Grisham. And now that he's got this film accomplished, his first original screenplay, there may actually be many more. The only thing worth watching here are the actors, and the scenery Altman surrounds them in. Downey is especially entertaining, as he seems to breathe his roles. Branagh is amazing, in a role that hardly seems like the Shakespearean trained actor that he is. His accent totally disappears into a Southern states lawyer. Yes, lawyer, as Grisham rehashes the same plot and characters through the mud, adding Duval as the unreachable crazy. Rent this if you haven't seen a Grisham, otherwise you'll be experiencing deja-vu for two full hours; C+

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