
Bachelor Party

Directed by:  Neal Israel
Starring:  Tom Hanks, Tawny Kitten, Adrian Zmed, George Gizzard
Running Time:  1h 45min

If there is a movie that leaves no question it was made in the eighties, it's this one!  It is unbelievable that Hanks actually went on from this to win back to back Oscars!  A typical teenage comedy with unintentionally hilarious eighties styles, this movie definitely provides laughs.  However, most of them are at the movie, not with the movie.  Hanks is surrounded by the stereotypical teenagers, preppie, nerd, drunkard, etc. and the plot is so lame I'm amazed that the movie actually lasted over an hour and a half.  Big laughs result from just how far the movie goes for laughs but all in all it's just an excuse to show a wild party and a number of women topless.  NO talent necessary to make this film.

Grade: D+

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