
Chain Reaction

Directed by:  Andrew Davis
Starring:  Keanu Reeves, Morgan Freeman, Rachel Weisz, Fred Ward
Running Time:  1h 46min

Well, Morgan Freeman's run of successful and interesting movies couldn't last forever.  After starring in the best two movies of the past two years he is limited to play the same character that he played in Outbreak and without any other talent in the film he languishes in his own talent.  Reeves is neither believable nor charismatic as the star of the film and we can thank him for not taking the Speed 2 role seeing as his acting abilities wouldn't help the fact that yet another dumb sequel is being made.  Back to this movie, it suffers from traileritis, where the trailer promises action you've never seen before but the movie isn't half as exciting as the trailer.  Hopefully, you'll have rented another movie with this preview and can save the $4.00.

Grade: C+

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