
Chasing Amy

Directed by:  Kevin Smith
Starring:  Ben Affleck, Joey Lauren Adams, Jason Lee, Jason Mewes, Kevin Smith
Running Time: B+

Kevin Smith's apology to the critics who hated Mallrats at the end of the film sums up what is good and bad about this movie.  The fact that Smith grew up a bit, took on some serious ground and peppered his unique funniness in an attempt to please those critics.  The fact that he is trying to please those critics also takes away from the humour that is so abundant in his first two films.  Granted, this isn't a full fledged comedy.  It's comedy in the sense that it doesn't take itself too seriously.  Extremely stunning performances by a cast that was used as side jokes in the first installments of the New Jersey trilogy really make the film.  The blend of seriousness and comedy is great but not complete.  This is a good transition film for Smith.

Grade: B+

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