Starring: Zach Braff, Amanda Peet, Jason Bateman, Charles Grodin, Mia Farrow, Donal Logue, Amy Poehler
Running Time: 1h 30min
A promising comedy that could go in many directions, The Ex takes the basic comedic staple of an ex entering the life of two newlyweds, as Bateman's wheel chair bound high school cheerleading cohort of Peet ends up being a coworker to Braff, who is married to the company president's daughter. Braff already has issues with what Peet's father thinks of him, and when Bateman starts making waves in both the office and the family, Braff's jealous streak gets the best of him.
The comedic talent in this film is evident, but well wasted on the belaboured premise. It doesn't help that each and every character acts in a deplorable manner, so there really isn't anyone to care about or root for, as each is equally annoying.
Bateman does a great job of testing our sympathies for a man in a wheelchair, begging us to hate him in spite of his affliction. It's amazing how he can be sweet and sensitive (he was the heart of Arrested Development) yet turn in such a nasty, underhanded performance here.
Black comedy is probably the best way to describe this film, but it doesn't really want to leave its romantic comedy undertones, and finds itself split between a Farrelly brothers style "how low can you go" brand of humour, and a slapsticky, Meg Ryan kind of comedy. The subject matter and script stylings do not give enough for these leads to do, which is really disappointing.
Grade: C