Directed by:
Greg MottolaStarring:
Jonah Hill,
Michael Cera,
Christopher Mintz-Plasse,
Bill Hader,
Seth RogenRunning Time: 1h 54min
It's hard not to hate the hype surrounding Judd Apatow and his league of comedy superheroes, as every thing they've ever done is being pulled out and branded as "from the guys who brought you
The 40 Year Old Virgin and
Knocked Up." Now those are two good movies, but compared to the hilarity of
Superbad, they should be honoured to be mentioned in its presence.
Superbad is a nice return to those teen comedies of the 80s, only more raw and realistic. These kids swear. A lot. There isn't any pandering to what we wish teens were, but rather a hyper realised dream of what one wild night in pre-college American teen life could turn out to be. The search for sex, by way of booze, by way of fake IDs, by way of ridiculous teenage forging is on! This is Porky's, Weird Science, and Revenge of the Nerds, all rolled into one. Only with more swearing.
Each scene one ups the previous one, and the hi jinks are gut busting funny. Cera plays a great foil to Hill's foul mouthed buffoon, balancing crass with class. Mintz-Plasse is piss your pants funny as the king of the nerds, McLovin, sure to be a teen reference for years to come. Hader and Rogen, showing up as a pair of cops, bring the absurd to the film, giving us the requisite adult characters found in these films, but not quite as we expected them to be.
Yet despite all the great lines, inventive staging, and silly situations these teens get themselves into, it is the heart at the center of their friendship that really elevates this film above mere teen comedy. Its sentiment saves it from being a boy's fantasy night on film to an honest depiction of the confusing growth a teenage boy must navigate on his way to maturity. The coming of age storyline is nicely laid underneath it all, giving value to what could easily be throwaway gags and staged guffaws.
What is really great about Superbad, is how the dialogue is so funny, yet so realistically coming out of the mouth of these teens. There are so many quotable lines that you'll have to watch it several times to soak it all in. And like only the best comedies do, it will get funnier and funnier each time you see it. A sure to be future classic, a shoe in for the Teen Sex Comedy Hall of Fame.
Grade: A-