

Blackfish; Sad doc on decades old signs pointing towards horrible deaths of Seaworld trainers on account of killer whales. Cruel truth; B


The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie; Overly kinetic to the point where it becomes hard to appreciate the animation. The two Wills generate plenty of laughs; B


Inside Llewyn Davis

Inside Llewyn Davis; For every Dylan there must have been 100 Llewyn Davises. Coens craft a love poem to the down & out 60s folk singer; B+


Gravity; Mind blowing score & direction fuel amazing technical achievement in cinema. A heart pounding fight for survival in outer space; A


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty; Charming call 2 live life fantastically instead of daydream.Stiller knows how 2 hit humour & heart beats; A

American Hustle

American Hustle; Fun, swinging acting class allows Bale, Adams, Bradley & Lawrence to play in 70s con game. Stylistically entertaining; A-