
Free Birds

Free Birds; Offensive on so many levels, the worst of which is how criminally not funny it is. Only Takei and Poehler escape unsullied; F




Blended; Sandler and Barrymore are a classic pairing that works, especially within their new parental roles. Sweetly silly, goofy fare; B

Ride Along

Ride Along; Another buddy comedy, adds nothing new but is an enjoyable entry. Twists so obvious & sequel inevitable but laughs aplenty; B-


Ender's Game

Ender's Game; Surprisingly intense sci-fi w/serious themes & interesting effects. Concerned more about humanity than action & explosions; B+


All is Lost

All is Lost; Compelling survival story, like Gravity at sea. Wastes no time w/backstory, marvel at Redford's silent acts of perseverance; B


Earth to Echo

Earth to Echo; Excellent PG fare; best since Holes that I've seen. May induce motion sickness but stays true to demo. Fun for pre-teens; B+