
Kayak to Klemtu

Kayak to Klemtu; Beautifully shot, light hearted drama that tells a personal story that rings true against a backdrop very real for all of us. Good performances all around with enough complexity in character to give each actor motivation. Nice pacing and visuals; A-



Split; Creepy, standard horror fare, elevated by a strong performance by lead actor McAvoy, along with very decent direction. Script is lean, providing all the info a viewer needs to understand the level of trouble our stereotypical teenage hottie heroines are in. Thrilling; B


Mary Poppins Returns

Mary Poppins Returns; Unbelievably earnest in achieving a sweetness so pleasing it invites diabetes. Lovingly mirrors the original without feeling dated or doting, the songs, animation and performances prop up a fairly obvious story arc; A-



Aquaman; Presented in all its 80s Heavy Metal album cover glory with modern video game action aesthetics, DC manages to make a movie that takes a mockery of a superhero, and turn him into an imposing force. Excellent casting, combined with highly kinetic direction; A-


Every Day

Every Day; Sweet, teenage romance which could have veered into totally creepy territory, yet deftly avoids the potential pitfalls and delivers a solid fantasy of first love in its high school setting. Contrivances aside, story concept pleases the devoted viewer; B+