
The Lion King

The Lion King; Impressively spectacular photorealistic animated remake looks stunning. The original was already cinematic in its shot selection, so it hews closely to the angles and imagery. Voice cast excels and delivers lines both familiar and surprising with much delight; A-


Spider-Man: Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home; Fun instalment makes some leaps that are unexplained yet don’t deter from offering an amazing, exciting ride. Cast continues to excel but loose ends from Homecoming are ignored for further extensions of the Avengers storyline. Keep focus on Spidey!; A-


Invisible Essence: The Little Prince

Invisible Essence: The Little Prince; A great idea that doesn’t quite deliver. Better off using the time to read the book again instead of watching this. Hearing the different people reading the text aloud is more enticing to watch than any attempts at insight; C-



Yesterday; Fun premise explores some of the potential fallout of a world w/o Beatles, yet wants to remain a rom com at its core. This both grounds the film but also grounds it to a halt at times. Still, actors/director fulfill their roles wonderfully in service to the story; B