
Jungle Cruise

Jungle Cruise; Fun, silly, lore filled adventure w/plenty of Disney’s typical F/X action set pieces spectacularly scored. Johnson & Blunt play well off each other & would make a fun comedy pairing in a different film w/less set dressing. A good time but not highly rewatchable; B



Freaky; The old body switching premise in a teen horror film starring Vince Vaughn can only coast on his hilarious embodiment of the opposite sex for so long before it gets bogged down in less clever/poorly executed clichés. Traileritis strikes, as all funny bits were seen; C-


A Quiet Place Part II

A Quiet Place Part II; Picks up right where the original left off w/an equal amount of dreadful, eerie quiet suspense scenes that made the first one a smash success. Less Blunt is a minus but more Millicent is a plus, as she conveys so intensely w/her face. Highly effective; A-


Black Widow

Black Widow; If Marvel made a Bond film, it’d be this stunt filled action fest. The family dynamic is fabulous, really steals the show. The Widows could have been given more personality than being pretty automatons, but the fight scenes are superbly shot. Well worth the wait; A-