
Piece By Piece

Piece by Piece; Clever conceit to use LEGO animation to prop up biopic that doesn’t have much drama but a ton of great music to spotlight. Pharrell’s beats tell the story w/some pretty great music heavyweights weighing in, made all the better in their LEGO form. Elevates an otherwise simple story; B


Taking Chance

Taking Chance; A side of war not often showcased, the preparation and transportation of a dead soldier. Bacon gives a great solemn performance that grounds the mixed feelings of honour, horror, disgust and dedication to respecting the military process. Worthwhile watch, if ultimately infuriating; B


The Wild Robot

The Wild Robot; Beautifully rendered, lovingly told, the film follows the WALL-E way of endearing the audience to the robot via silent film techniques and cute, tiny interactions. By the time the conflict shows up, we’re rooting for the robot to succeed in its reflection of humanity. Sweet film; A-



Se7en; Sordid, bleak investigation pairs two very different cops, played marvellously by Freeman & Pitt, captivates via a tight script, unraveling at just the right pace. Moody, stylistic work by Fincher makes it all unforgettable & burned into your brain by the time you’re asked what’s in the 📦; A+


Panic Room

Panic Room; Epitome of a contained thriller, expertly crafted to squeeze every ounce of tension from a cats and mice culmination of conundrums. Each actor is excellent in their part, and Fincher sets the stage exquisitely so that each piece fits perfectly towards the final outcome. A masterpiece; A+


My Old Ass

My Old Ass; Sweet, funny, honest & real. Wonderful work by the entire cast. Another stunning, poignant directorial piece from Park. Captures a moment of youth so beautifully. The lesson our naive younger self can teach us may be more valuable to our old asses than 20 years of “wisdom” gained; A


Little Big Man

Little Big Man; Combats Hollywood mythology using hilarious satire, brutally violent reenactments daring to sympathize w/the original people & actually casting Indigenous ppl, notably Chief Dan George. Hoffman displays Buster Keaton levels of physical comedy amid a brilliant dramatic performance; A