

Se7en; Sordid, bleak investigation pairs two very different cops, played marvellously by Freeman & Pitt, captivates via a tight script, unraveling at just the right pace. Moody, stylistic work by Fincher makes it all unforgettable & burned into your brain by the time you’re asked what’s in the 📦; A+


Panic Room

Panic Room; Epitome of a contained thriller, expertly crafted to squeeze every ounce of tension from a cats and mice culmination of conundrums. Each actor is excellent in their part, and Fincher sets the stage exquisitely so that each piece fits perfectly towards the final outcome. A masterpiece; A+


My Old Ass

My Old Ass; Sweet, funny, honest & real. Wonderful work by the entire cast. Another stunning, poignant directorial piece from Park. Captures a moment of youth so beautifully. The lesson our naive younger self can teach us may be more valuable to our old asses than 20 years of “wisdom” gained; A


Little Big Man

Little Big Man; Combats Hollywood mythology using hilarious satire, brutally violent reenactments daring to sympathize w/the original people & actually casting Indigenous ppl, notably Chief Dan George. Hoffman displays Buster Keaton levels of physical comedy amid a brilliant dramatic performance; A