Directed by: John Lasseter and Joe Ranft
Voiced by: Owen Wilson, Paul Newman, Bonnie Hunt, Larry The Cable Guy, Cheech Marin, Michael Keaton
Running Time: 1h 56min
Pixar studios has become such a leader in the animated film department, they have to challenge themselves because no one else seems to want to set the bar higher. Well, they do a wonderful job meeting their own challenge of creating a film completely filled with inanimate objects. Despite the fact that cars do not move of their own free will, Pixar populates this film's world with characters, personalities, and relationships that are tantamount to what car lovers do to their own vehicles.
Cars is no "Finding Nemo", "Toy Story", or "Monsters, Inc." Still, it is a solid, enjoyable film with superb animation and enough wit for both kids and adults alike. In the certain to be released (in the not so distant future), Pixar Box Set, "Cars" will not be the crappy movie that you have to take thrown in with the hits, because it deserves its own recognition.
Making talking cars look and feel like they have real issues and life problems is a massive undertaking. Yet Pixar's smart casting and keen eye for detail in their animation of lead characters really brings this story to life. Though the plot line is telegraphed from the beginning (there's absolutely no question what each car's story arc will be) it is an enjoyable ride getting there.
It helps that we, as a culture, anthropomorphisize our vehicles already. So it isn't such a stretch when a car comes on screen, that it already has a perceived personality in our minds. We have personified certain car makes and models with human characteristics and tendencies, and the people at Pixar play into these preconceived notions to situate the cars as characters. It's an auto lover's dream come true.
If it weren't for a longer than average running time (for an animated 'kids' film) and a plot that leaves no room for doubt, Cars would be talked about with the likes of animated cinematic greats. Though the backdrops aren't as lavish as "Finding Nemo" and the world of make believe not as spellbinding as "Toy Story", it remains a steady pace car and keeps Pixar batting 1000.00. i can't wait to see what they come up with next.
Grade: B+
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